Blog Posts

Excellent Beginner’s Guide to Google+

Martin Shervington's site.

How to Get Over Procrastination in a Day

On Tuesday I procrastinated worse than I had in months. I couldn't even approach my desk, and spent a large part of the day in bed. Not sick: just hiding. I was unhappy about this, since I have deadlines like everyone else. And a part of me was thinking things ...

Amanda Palmer on Artistic Legitimacy

Musician Amanda Palmer recently gave a keynote at Grub Street Writer's Muse and the Marketplace Conference. She's whip smart and really "gets" this brave new world of social media, and so we should always listen to what she has to say. Amanda Palmer speaking on artistic legitimacy and why artists ...

Erasmus on Writing

              Courtesy Grub Street Writers

A Failed Bird Rescue Attempt

Saturday morning, I idly looked out my window and saw, as usual, my elderly neighbor Vinnie sitting on his folding chair on the sidewalk doing his sudoku. And then something extraordinary happened--a stunning, yellow cockatiel flew down and landed on the sidewalk not ten feet from him. I watched for ...

Welcome Time Management Ninja People!

  Happy to have you here! These articles may be of interest: How to Live your Summer Life All Year Long. What To Do if You Have a Tendency to Overgive. Betty Ming Liu Quits Her Job  How to Spend Your Weekend (Just in Time!)

Useful Apps for Mac and iOS Users

  Ph.D. student Reid Leamaster reviews some useful writing productivity apps, including several for taking notes and organizing information. His latest review is an app called Flowstate, which, if you stop writing before the end of your designated interval erases everything you've written. Yes, you've read that right. Sounds crazy ...

One of the Best Time Management Pieces I’ve Read

  This piece on time management by Jamie Rohrbaugh gets a lot right: "This is the list of priorities I came up with for my life: One-on-one time with God in prayer and personal study. My health and my husband. (I wasn’t married yet, but I was thinking long-term and ...

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