Blog Posts

A Writer Without A Publisher Is Like A Fish Without a Bicycle: Writer’s Liberation and You

An excellent essay by bestselling author Jennifer Crusie on why publishing shouldn't be the end-all to your writing efforts. She's got a whole section of advice for writers here

Authenticity Catalyzes Productivity!

The response to last month's "confessional" newsletter was amazing - a real outpouring of support. Thank you all so much. Here's one thought-provoking comment I received: What is it to be professional? When we spend so much of our time working, is it fair to be asked to hide/divorce/suppress big ...

Speed as an Antidote to Writer’s Block

Greed may not be good, but speed sure is. It was only when I got into this line of work that I understood the meaning of the axiom “he who hesitates is lost.” Procrastination – the fear-based inner force that wants you not to complete your projects - will latch ...

Links: J.K. Rowling, Alice Sebold and more

From Sept. 09 Newsletter - sign up at left. Living With the Dead A haunting tribute to the victims of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina by Alice Sebold, author of The Lovely Bones. My original clipping, now yellowing, is the only thing posted on my refrigerator door other than family photos. ...

A Confession

(from Sept 09 Newsletter - sign up at left) Dear Friends, I have a confession - I haven't sent out as many newsletters as I should. Bad form for a business person, and especially bad form for a business coach! I've been rationalizing by telling myself that a seasonal newsletter ...

The Marvelous Mentor Mindset and How It Can Help You Succeed

How important are mentors? Let’s just say that everyone I’ve ever met who was stuck in their life or career was severely under-mentored. In olden days, mentoring was probably more of an automatic process: you grew up working alongside your parents on the farm, or apprenticed with a craftsperson or ...

Interview with Richard Stallman

My friend Richard Stallman is the founder of the free software movement . His ideas have spawned not only the GNU/Linux operating system , but Wikipedia , Creative Commons the anti-DRM Defective by Design campaign, and other important social movements. He is a MacArthur "genius," and arguably the world's most ...

Vagueness Opens the Door for Procrastination

This article reports on a German study in which 2 groups of students were asked to fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaires were all on the same topics - simple stuff like opening a bank account - but the questions were phrased either concretely or abstractly. Turns out the students ...

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