Blog Posts
A Writer Without A Publisher Is Like A Fish Without a Bicycle: Writer’s Liberation and You
By Hillary Rettig |
An excellent essay by bestselling author Jennifer Crusie on why publishing shouldn't be the end-all to your writing efforts. She's got a whole section of advice for writers here
Authenticity Catalyzes Productivity!
By Hillary Rettig |
The response to last month's "confessional" newsletter was amazing - a real outpouring of support. Thank you all so much. Here's one thought-provoking comment I received: What is it to be professional? When we spend so much of our time working, is it fair to be asked to hide/divorce/suppress big ...
Speed as an Antidote to Writer’s Block
By Hillary Rettig |
Greed may not be good, but speed sure is. It was only when I got into this line of work that I understood the meaning of the axiom “he who hesitates is lost.” Procrastination – the fear-based inner force that wants you not to complete your projects - will latch ...
Links: J.K. Rowling, Alice Sebold and more
By Hillary Rettig |
From Sept. 09 Newsletter - sign up at left. Living With the Dead A haunting tribute to the victims of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina by Alice Sebold, author of The Lovely Bones. My original clipping, now yellowing, is the only thing posted on my refrigerator door other than family photos. ...
A Confession
By Hillary Rettig |
(from Sept 09 Newsletter - sign up at left) Dear Friends, I have a confession - I haven't sent out as many newsletters as I should. Bad form for a business person, and especially bad form for a business coach! I've been rationalizing by telling myself that a seasonal newsletter ...
The Marvelous Mentor Mindset and How It Can Help You Succeed
By Hillary Rettig |
How important are mentors? Let’s just say that everyone I’ve ever met who was stuck in their life or career was severely under-mentored. In olden days, mentoring was probably more of an automatic process: you grew up working alongside your parents on the farm, or apprenticed with a craftsperson or ...
Interview with Richard Stallman
By Hillary Rettig |
My friend Richard Stallman is the founder of the free software movement . His ideas have spawned not only the GNU/Linux operating system , but Wikipedia , Creative Commons the anti-DRM Defective by Design campaign, and other important social movements. He is a MacArthur "genius," and arguably the world's most ...
Vagueness Opens the Door for Procrastination
By Hillary Rettig |
This article reports on a German study in which 2 groups of students were asked to fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaires were all on the same topics - simple stuff like opening a bank account - but the questions were phrased either concretely or abstractly. Turns out the students ...