“Weight Loss for Writers” Class Premiers Online Jan 6
I’ve been waiting to teach this for years, and am so excited! We’re going to get healthier and write more.
Description follows. Space limited, so register now.
Lots of writers struggle with their weight, but has it ever occurred to you that weight gain has a lot in common with that other common writer’s malady, writer’s block?
It does! They’re both examples of chronic procrastination, and as such can be resolved using the same techniques and tools. Longtime SavvyAuthors favorite Hillary Rettig, a master at helping people get more productive in their writing and life, invites you to join her for a unique class that will not just help you lose weight, but might even help you get more writing done! You’ll learn what weight-related procrastination truly is (hint: NOT laziness or lack of discipline willpower), what causes it, and how to overcome it.
Each week Hillary will post two lessons related to procrastination, perfectionism, time management, ambivalence, traumatic rejections, or another relevant topic. Classwork will consist of students sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences around the lessons, in an absolutely safe, compassionate, supportive, and confidential environment. Homework will consist of journaling, timed intervals, microchanges, and other proven techniques; and we’ll also discuss your results with those, as well as situations in your life that support or undermine your weight loss.
This class will not promote any specific diet or meal plan, and the techniques discussed will be useful to anyone regardless of what plan they follow. (Please consult a doctor, nutritionist, or other professional before taking this class, and while you’re in it.) Hillary’s approach combines techniques from creativity, productivity, motivational, and empowerment literature, as well as other sources. To learn more about her approach check out her best-selling book, The 7 Secrets of the Prolific: The Definitive Guide to Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism, and Writer’s Block. (Her work-in-progress, How to Get Willpower for Weight Loss and Other Important Goals, will be published in 2015.)
All writers welcome, and what a great class to start the New Year with!
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