Two Great New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year Everyone!
I tend to be skeptical of New Year’s resolutions, which are often grandiose and built more around impulse than planning. But here are two good ones for 2023:
1) Reduce the time you currently spend on housework, chores, and errands by 25%, investing that time instead in “mission work” (creative / activist / entrepreneurial work), and also self-care, relationships, and recreation. (Good general rule of thumb: 2/3 of reclaimed time to your mission, and 1/3 to the rest.) Here’s an article I wrote a while back offering some suggestions on how to achieve that.
2) Work on a computer that’s NOT hooked up to the Internet. Here is an excerpt from Productivity is Power that discusses this. (Note: I omit the excerpt’s numerous citations for brevity.)
If you’re committing to these or other resolutions, here’s an article I wrote that should help. (In hindsight, a better title would have been, Overcoming the Three Main Barriers to Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions, because that’s what it’s really about.) The three barriers are perfectionism (of course!), ambivalence, and lack of investment.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on these suggested resolutions, or others that you’ve found useful. Please comment on my blog.
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PPS – If you’re a former student or coaching client I always welcome updates and quick questions via email. You folks sustain me! Ditto if you’ve read one of my books or articles and have a question.
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