Blog Posts

“Walkies is Imminent. Walkies is imminent. Walkies is imminent.”

How do dogs do it? So I'm sitting around, late this afternoon, finishing a piece of writing. In the back of my mind I'm pondering the question of when I will take the dogs out next. I'm weighing several variables, including: 1) amount of time since last walk (which gave ...

“Success is a consequence and must not be a goal.”

“Success is a consequence and must not be a goal.” Taught a class on overcoming writer’s block at Grub Street Writers , yesterday, and as usual advised students to focus on the process of writing and not the result they hope to obtain. “But what about artistic merit?” the students ...

“Only one person can become president of the United States, but there’s no limit to the number of social entrepreneurs who can make this planet a better place.”

Nicholas Kristof has a lovely and inspiring editorial in today's NYT about the young social entrepreneurs who are working to create systems that increase equality and opportunity. It begins: "In the ’60s, perhaps the most remarkable Americans were the civil rights workers and antiwar protesters who started movements that transformed ...

Miscellaneous Weekend Links

Organized for your convenience: About Dogs From The New York Times, The Healing Power of Dogs The heartwarming picture alone is worth the click over. Other Heartwarming Someone unearthed a cache of 1970s-era studio photos from Sears and Olan Mills photo stores. The pictures are comical but also moving, and ...

Beauty for a Friday

CalTech physics professor Kenneth Libbrecht takes exquisitely beautiful photographs of snowflakes using a custom-built camera. Check out his website , which also includes some "cool" science.

Another Compassionate Conservative(tm)

From Think Progress : "Opening his radio show with funeral music yesterday, Fox News host John Gibson callously mocked the death of actor Heath Ledger, calling him a 'weirdo' with a 'serious drug problem.' "Playing an audio clip of the iconic quote, “I wish I knew how to quit you' ...

I Think (Lucky), Therefore I Am (Lucky)

I have been looking for this citation, on and off, for months. Thought it was either from the New York Times or Wall Street Journal, but can't find it, so maybe I'm wrong. If one of you have it, please share! It was an article about luck. It said that ...

“…happiness is complex and difficult and worth striving for.”

Hi Everyone: this posting is from a few months back, but we're getting a spate of new visitors from the WSJ Forums and I want to make sure they don't miss some of the good old stuff. As for the rest of you, well, it never hurts to reread a ...

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